Gothic and Industrial music specialists
Blutengel : Un:Sterblich - Our Souls - 2xCD
Ref: 22943
First edition double-CD in D igipak , celebrating 25 years of Blutengel! New sounds, but still the same guy - With the new album Un: s terblich - Our Souls w ill n ever die, Chris Pohl reflects his whole musical past, but also shows how Blutengel has changed and developed over time. Un: s terblich - Our Souls will never die is probably the most personal Blutengel album so far - disclosing deep, dark feelings of the past years. Stylistically, Chris Pohl ventures into new directions with songs like King of Blood , Can you see me and Ohne Wiederkehr, but also stays true to himself and his musical beginnings with tracks like Back for Blood, Dark History or Shine a gain. With 25 brand new songs Blutengel celebrate their 25 years of musical success with an album, that will leave a lasting impression not only the band's loyal fans, but promises to find / attract a large and wide-spread amount of new followers as well! Tracks CD1 : 0 1 The Void Prologue 0 2 King of B lood 0 3 Unsere Zeit läuft ab 0 4 We belong to the N ight 0 5 The last C rusade 0 6 Fliegen 0 7 Tief 0 8 Dark H istory 0 9 Kein Mensch 10 Shine again 11 Living on the E dge of the N ight (A Gothic anthem) 12 The P rophecy 13 Wir sind u nsterblich (Alternative Mix) 14 Ohne Wiederkehr CD2 : 0 1 Can you see me 0 2 Back for B lood 0 3 Journey 0 4 Meine Macht 0 5 Sinful G ames 0 6 No S uicide S ong 0 7 Our Souls will never die 0 8 Nobody 0 9 Dunkelheit 10 She´s missing
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